Higher Education Mentoring Conference in Albuquerque, NM October 22-24
Abstract deadline by June 30, 2008
The University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute invites you to participate in its inaugural conference on mentoring best practices in higher education, October 22-24, 2008 on the main campus of The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. The conference theme is Fostering a Mentoring Culture in the 21st Century: Bringing Best Practices and Research to Higher Education.
Papers are sought which explore effective mentoring strategies and best practices which support students, faculty, researchers and staff in their journey as academicians and professionals in today's (and tomorrow's) higher education settings. Those submitting papers should state whether they are focused on specific groups as mentors and protegees, or if their research is generally applicable to any mentor - protege relationship. Please submit a 1500 word abstract by June 30, 2008, using this
link: mentor.unm.edu/confsubmit.html
Abstracts will be reviewed, and accepted papers will be affirmed by invitation by July 15th, 2008; complete papers will be due by August 31, 2008.
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