Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Call for Proposals: Pathways of Engagement: Connecting Civic Purpose

Deadline: February 25, 2009

Conference Themes

Discuss the scholarship of outreach and engagement with colleagues from around the country. The focus in 2009 will be on:

The Institution: Providing Institutional Support and Incentives for Doing the Scholarship of Outreach and Engagement

The Community: Building Strong Relationships between Communities and Universities: Access, Reciprocity, and Sustainability

The Faculty: Doing the Scholarship of Outreach and Engagement: Evidence-Based Practices, and the Impact on Faculty Members from Interconnecting their Research, Teaching, and Outreach and Engagement Roles

The Student: Contributing to Outreach and Engagement: Evidence-Based Practices and the Impact on Students from Connecting Student Learning to Work in Communities

Presentation Options:

Oral presentations will be 45 minutes in length. Presenters should develop interactive sessions to share information; 30-minute presentations with 15-minute participant discussion moderated by the session facilitator.

Panel sessions: Some proposals may be grouped together with two other presentations around a central theme. In this case, each of the three presenters will have 10 minutes to present the central theme of their topic, and 15 minutes will be left at the end for participant discussion moderated by the session facilitator.

Posters will be continuously on display between 2 p.m., Monday, September 28, 2009 and noon, Wednesday, September 30, 2009. To encourage networking and discussion about the displayed work, multiple sessions will be scheduled at which the presenters will be expected to be at their posters.

To submit a proposal, go to