Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Call for Papers: Third International Symposium on Service-Learning "Service-Learning in Higher Education: Educators, Communities, and Students"

Call for Papers:
Third International Symposium on Service-Learning
"Service-Learning in Higher Education: Educators, Communities, and Students"
University of Indianapolis-Athens, Athens, Greece
November 22-24, 2009

Symposium Background & Purpose
Universities increasingly are embracing service-learning as a model to integrate community service with learning and research. If service-learning is considered a "social movement" or "social reform" affecting higher education, a number of pertinent questions must be addressed so that service-learning can be rooted in the fabric of higher education. This symposium encourages participants to explore a wide range of issues related to research, curriculum design, assessment, institutional support, community connections and partnerships, and student development, with the goal of providing participants with perspective on critical issues, paradigms, and challenges in service-learning in higher education.

Guidelines for Proposal (Abstract) Submission
E-mail your submission with the proposal attached as a Word document to
Hard copies or CDs should be mailed to:
Dr. Phylis Lan Lin, Symposium Chair, University of Indianapolis, 1400 East Hanna Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227, U.S.A.

Proposal or abstract should include:
1. Presenter information (name, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone & fax numbers)
2. Selected format of presentation (oral presentation, roundtable discussion, poster, or workshop)
3. Title and affiliation (institution or organization)
4. Proposal or abstract (in English, not to exceed 300 words)
5. Biographical data (in English, not to exceed 200 words)
6. Selected track, or four or five keywords
7. Indication of technological support needed
Deadline for submission of proposals: March 30, 2009

The Program
The program will commence at 6 p.m. with Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception on November 22. Plenary and concurrent sessions, presentations, roundtable discussions, students' forum, poster presentations, and featured keynote addresses will take place on November 23 and November 24 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Participants will enjoy session time shared at the Athens Cultural Center,
adjacent to the University of Indianapolis-Athens and at the foot of the Acropolis. Field trips to visit some service-learning sites will be arranged. Pre- and/or post-conference excursions will be arranged on request. The preliminary program will be available on the symposium Web site on September 30, 2009.

For a full call for papers/abstracts and for further information on the symposium please visit

Organized and Sponsored by the University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Cosponsored by:
University of Indianapolis-Athens, Greece
Indiana Campus Compact, USA
Miami University Hamilton, USA
Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, China