Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Michigan Journal Call for Abstracts

Are you interested in submitting an article to the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)? We now seek articles for volume 18 (fall 2011, spring 2012). The first step in the submission process is to send an abstract or precis by December 20th to Jeff Howard (

The MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed publication with a circulation of about 1000 (with subscribers all over the world), and includes articles on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues pertinent to curriculum-based service-learning in higher education, campus-community partnerships, and scholarship of engagement for a faculty and administrator audience.

Please consult submission guidelines for more information - You can also review articles in all past issues (other than the most current one, which is embargoed for four months) at

There are no length guidelines for abstracts. Please submit a description that adequately conveys the focus/plan for the article, along with your e-mail address. Invitations to submit a proposed article will be made by e-mail no later than mid-January, with invited articles due the last Monday in March.

If you have any questions after reviewing the submission guidelines, please e-mail:
Jeff Howard