Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Call for papers on service-learning for Fall 2008 issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly

Deadline: May 31

Service-learning, a community-based approach to teaching and learning, provides opportunities for students to discover linkages between theory and practice in authentic settings. Educational research and practice have provided numerous examples of service-learning as a tool for 'expanding the walls' of the traditional classroom, providing opportunities for active and cooperative learning, interdisciplinary projects, and multicultural experiences grounded in local community issues that enliven the teaching/learning processes. Many of the studies on student outcomes indicate that the combination of service with learning enhances student development, multicultural awareness and academic achievement. This special issue invites researchers and practitioners to submit articles and essays on service-learning in higher education with a special focus on the individual and institutional impacts of established service-learning programs. Qualitative and quantitative studies that can contribute to the growing knowledge base on the potential of this teaching/learning strategy are especially welcome. Other issues to be addressed include assessment and evaluation, social justice concerns, and the mission of the university in 21st century society.

Please identify your submission with keyword: SERVICE

Submission deadline: Any time until the end of May 2008; see details for other deadline options like early, regular, and short.

Submission Procedure: