Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Symposium on Assessing Students' Civic Outcomes Call for Proposals

Deadline: May 1, 2009
Event takes place May 28-29, 2009.

Please RSVP your intention to participate in the Symposium by December 15th, 2008 to Robert Bringle (rbringle@iupui.ed)

Symposium participants have been invited because of their interest in this topic, prior work, ability to provide critical feedback that will improve the work, and capacity to support the growth of work focused on civic outcomes among students in higher education. We are asking participants to:
1. Submit at least one short paper (maximum of 3 pages) on some aspect of their work related to assessing students' civic outcomes by May 1st, 2009. This could be:
a. a conceptual piece that frames targets for assessment
b. an analysis of work to date in the field
c. a description of procedures for measuring civic outcomes
d. a description of a set of data measuring civic outcomes
e. a proposal for future research on assessment

Participants are encouraged to submit more than one paper, as appropriate.

2. Prepare a brief presentation (5-10 minutes) for each of the short papers that are prepared for the Symposium. This will provide a basis for questions and feedback from other participants.
3. Contribute to Symposium activities that will result in an assessment of what tools are available, what gaps exist in the field, and recommendations for future methods for measuring civic outcomes among college students.
4. After the Symposium, contribute materials that provide descriptions of the status of work, guidelines for future work, research briefs, and compilations of descriptions that can be posted on the CSL/National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Service-Learning Research Capacity Hub and the AASCU web page (and maybe others).
5. Collaborate with other Symposium participants on presentations in other venues (e.g., IUPUI Assessment Institute, International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, American Democracy Project and AASCU conferences, AAC&U conferences).