Monday, May 4, 2009

Call for Emerging Scholars - K-12 Service-Learning Research

There are just a few spots left in the national K-12 Service-Learning Research Works in Progress program. This program is for emerging scholars conducting research on K-12 service-learning issues who are interested in receiving feedback on their work from senior scholars. Participation expenses (airfare, hotel, etc.) are covered by the program.


We are currently seeking applications from emerging scholars investigating issues in K-12 service-learning who wish to participate in the 2009 Emerging Scholars in Service-Learning Works in Progress Seminar, to be held June 14-16, 2009 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Established in 2007, the Works in Progress Seminar is a program that provides support and encouragement for a new generation of diverse service-learning researchers. The Seminar teams emerging scholars with experienced researchers and practitioners to develop and advance the development of new scholarly work in field of K-12 service-learning. The Works in Progress seminar is a national program co-facilitated by the University of Minnesota, Brandeis University, and Tufts University and is funded by a W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant to the National Service-Learning Partnership.

See for more information.