Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Digital Open - Call for Submissions to Youth Under 17

Projects must be submitted by August 15, 2009 if you're submitting a project in English and and by August 1, 2009 if submitting in any language other than English.

The Digital Open is both an online contest and a community. We seek youth from around the world to share their experiences, expertise, and projects through photo, text, and video. The Digital Open is an Institute for the Future project, in partnership with Sun Microsystems and Boing Boing, and made possible with the support of our judges, stewards, and our growing Innovation Network of institutional partners.


Creative young makers and innovators ages 17 and under. We welcome community members older than 17, but we can't accept your projects.


Free and open technology projects, defined as such by the use of existing free and open platforms and/or licensing your project under one of the Digital Open-approved licenses. Maybe you've designed a mobile application that connects your community with others around the world to form a real-time, large-scale activist network. Or think about new kinds of customer database services, ways to share presentations online, and coordinating meetings with people scattered around the world. See more examples on the Categories page.


Here at, from anywhere on the planet. If you have friends in other countries and regions, spread the word!


Because the future is yours to make! The Digital Open is building a global community of peers that will pioneer collaborative solutions to the great problems of our time. Open your mind and create openness in the world.


Great prizes, A-list judges from the world of free and open technology, the chance to be featured on Boing Boing Video and share your project with a global audience, and achievements to earn along the way!


Between April 15, 2009 and August 15, 2009 if you're submitting a project in English and between April 15 and August 1, 2009 if submitting in any language other than English.


Your projects should be more than just an idea. We want photos, text, and videos showing how you've made or begun to make your idea a reality. Show us your designs, share your code, record yourself doing a demo, post photographs of friends using creation... whatever! Just be sure that you both show AND tell!

See How to Play for more detailed info!