National Faith, Justice and Civic Learning Conference Call for Proposals
The conference organizing committee is interested in papers, posters, roundtable discussions and workshops around the fruitful intersection of faith, justice, and civic learning. We encourage contributions from a broad range of perspectives on these topics. By way of example, a proposal for a research paper presentation on the impact of belief vs. non-belief in God, spiritual realm or afterlife on one's level of community involvement would be welcome, as would a roundtable discussion on different theological interpretations of "responsibility to community". Descriptions of service-learning and community service programs that emphasize a particular faith and/or justice perspective are also encouraged, as are workshops on the kinds of reflective practices that encourage an examination of faith and civic-learning simultaneously.
Proposals must be submitted no later than Monday, February 16, 2009 at 5:00 PM CST.
/Documents/CallForPapers-FJCL%2009.pdf for more information.
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