Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fostering Global Engagement Through

Don't Delay - Submit Your Proposal Idea Today!

Submit your workshop, session, and seminar proposals now for NAFSA's 61st Annual Conference & Expo, "Fostering Global Engagement Through International Education, Los Angeles, California, May 24-29, 2009.

Deadline for workshop, session, and seminar submissions is August 1, 2008.

Deadline for poster submissions is November 14, 2008.

Visit www.nafsa.org/proposals8 for more details on the new approach for 2009, conference theme, proposal submission instructions, and guidelines for proposal writers.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Innovations in Civic Participation (ICP) looking for materials related to Summer of Service

In 2005, ICP published a report entitled "Summer of Service: A new American Rite of Passage?" that proposes a national "Summer of Service" (SOS) program to help communities create positive alternatives for young teens during summer vacation. SOS would enable a large number of young teens to participate in service as a "rite of passage" from middle to high school and provide opportunities for them to enter their teenage years with a positive experience that reinforces their connections to the community, enlivens their education, and strengthens their personal and civic values. At the same time, communities across America might find an important new resource in their own backyards - young people who are ready to serve, if only they are asked and provided the opportunity to serve. To read the full Summer of Service Report, click here www.icicp.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/1705.

We are looking for any materials related to Summer of Service - research, evaluations, program examples, effective practices, etc. These can also be on subjects related to Summer of Service, such as service-learning, middle school youth, at-risk youth, building partnerships, etc. If you or your organization have any materials to contribute, please contact Jean Manney at manney@icicp.org with the subject "SOS Materials".

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Journal of Research in Character Education

Hello colleagues,

I have recently agreed to serve as a guest editor for the Journal of Research in Character Education for a special edition addressing service-learning as a promising practice for character development. The Journal primarily publishes results of research, though there may be some room for other types of articles that represent deep theoretical discussions or thought-provoking policy analysis. They do not accept anecdotal research or descriptive pieces, and all of the articles must specifically address character education. Please take a look at the Journal if you have questions about the types of articles they accept.

The edition that I will edit will come out during 2009, most likely in the summer. All articles that are submitted will go through a rigorous peer review process and somewhere between 4 and 6 articles will be accepted for publication, assuming there are enough to pass the review. All articles from people who wish to be considered for this special edition are due to me by September 30. Instructions for article submission can be found here: www.character.org/journalofresearchincharactereducation.

If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact me by e-mail so I know how many I can expect to receive.

Shelley Billig