Monday, December 6, 2010

Call for Proposals: Southwestern PA Regional Network for the Growth of Service-Learning (SPRING) Annual Symposium

Deadline for Proposal Submission is January 5, 2010.

Proposals are now being accepted for the 2011 SPRING Service-Learning Symposium, which will be held on March 26, 2011 at the Community College of Allegheny County - South Campus. This year's theme is "The impact of Community Engagement: from Outputs to Outcomes." We encourage submissions that address this issue in the areas of student, community, or institutional outcomes of service-learning. Please view the  Call for Proposals (attached) for more details. Please complete the Online Proposal Submission form to submit a session or poster proposal.

Event Details
Join colleagues for SPRING’s 4th annual symposium. The annual symposium is held so that those interested in service-learning at the college and university level can come together to share their experiences, learn from one another, and discover potential areas for collaboration.  Conference participants will include faculty, administrators, and community service providers who wish to discuss service-learning and the ways it can positively impact our region.

The SPRING service-learning network promotes service-learning among institutions of higher education in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region.  It is a regional network of institutions, comprised of colleges, universities, and community organizations.
Service-learning is an educational method, in which students perform meaningful service to meet community-identified needs while reflecting on their actions in a way that allows them to better understand course concepts, the role their discipline plays in society, and their civic identity.

If you would like to discuss a proposal idea, please contact:
Maribel Guati Rojo, SPRING Service-Learning Program Manager (a SPRING university contact will follow-up), (412) 396-2223.

2011 International Institute on Partnerships: "From Reciprocity to Collective Transformation: Achieving the Potential of Community-Campus Partnerships"

The 2011 International Institute on Partnerships theme is "From Reciprocity to Collective Transformation: Achieving the Potential of Community-Campus Partnerships." Proposals that address at least one of the following topic areas are desired:

  • Topic #1: Impact of Partnerships on Student Learning and/or Community Concerns
  • Topic #2: Implications of Partnerships on Faculty Roles and Rewards and Faculty Development Models
  • Topic #3: Effective Research Models or Methodologies in Community Engaged Research and Scholarship that Include Strong Community Voice
  • Topic #4: Roles and Significance of Trust, Power, Sustainability, and Reciprocity in Community-Campus Partnerships
  • Topic #5: Challenges and Opportunities of National and International Partnerships

The 2011 International Institute on Partnerships will accept proposals for 3 session types:

  • 90 minute Interactive Workshops
  • 45 minute Informative Presentations
  • 60 minute Poster Sessions 
For more information and to submit a proposal, go to

Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance (AUCEA) conference: "Next Steps: Building a New Engagement Agenda" call for proposals

The Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance (AUCEA) invites you to participate in its next annual conference, "Next Steps: Building a New Engagement Agenda," July 11-13, 2011 in Sydney.  Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) executive director Sarena Seifer and CCPH board chair Susan Gust co-keynoted this year's AUCEA conference and found the issues, challenges and rewards of community-academic partnerships to be remarkably similar across Australia, Canada and the US - there is much we can learn from each other!  The 2011 AUCEA conference in particular aims to draw greater international participation.
For more information about the conference, visit

Friday, December 3, 2010

California Service-Learning Leadership Institute: Call for Proposals

Deadline: December 13, 2010

The California Service-Learning Leadership Institute is now accepting workshop applications for the 2011 conference, Learn. Serve. Sustain. We invite you to submit an application by December 13, 2010, detailing your proposed workshop, which demonstrates high-quality service-learning practices or skill building practices. All workshops must connect to the theme: Learn. Serve. Sustain. and to the Focus Areas and/or the Program Interests.

Youth Leaders as Workshop Presenters

Special request! Calling all youth leaders to present or co-present. On Tuesday February 8, 2011, the Institute will focus on Youth Leading in Service-Learning. If you are a K-12 student, we want you to present. Please apply to share strategies for building service-learning capacity in and out of a classroom to create sustainable service-learning. If you would like to be on our Youth Institute Planning Committee, please email or call 619-599-8205 ext. 2.

For complete information, visit

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Michigan Journal Call for Abstracts

Are you interested in submitting an article to the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)? We now seek articles for volume 18 (fall 2011, spring 2012). The first step in the submission process is to send an abstract or precis by December 20th to Jeff Howard (

The MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed publication with a circulation of about 1000 (with subscribers all over the world), and includes articles on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues pertinent to curriculum-based service-learning in higher education, campus-community partnerships, and scholarship of engagement for a faculty and administrator audience.

Please consult submission guidelines for more information - You can also review articles in all past issues (other than the most current one, which is embargoed for four months) at

There are no length guidelines for abstracts. Please submit a description that adequately conveys the focus/plan for the article, along with your e-mail address. Invitations to submit a proposed article will be made by e-mail no later than mid-January, with invited articles due the last Monday in March.

If you have any questions after reviewing the submission guidelines, please e-mail:
Jeff Howard