Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Building Sustainable Programs for Student Engagement

Building Sustainable Programs for Student Engagement March 5th-6th, 2009 - Pewaukee, WI (Waukesha County Technical College) Call for Presenters - Proposals due January 30th, 2009.

Milwaukee Area Technical College, Waukesha County Technical College, and Wisconsin Campus Compact will host a series of workshops, round table discussions and a panel focused on transformative learning through service-learning, community engagement, and civic engagement. Faculty, staff, and administration from Wisconsin and surrounding area 2-year and technical colleges are invited to participate in order to share sustainable service-learning methods and highlight how students and institutions remain engaged in changing economic times. The ideas and practices circulated at the summit are to benefit not only the students, but also the institutions they are a part of and community organizations that they serve.

We hope to sustain a network of leaders in the 2-year and technical college system that will be able to collaborate and help each other to institutionalize service-learning on their campuses. Registration fees will be waived for those presenting at the Summit.

To Submit a Proposal:

The conference planning committee is looking for interactive presenters with varying types of experience. Topics should relate to the conference mission and goals and may include, but need not be limited to the following topics:

- Accreditation

- Service-Learning in the Economic Downturn

- Curriculum Innovations

- Partnering Across Educational Institutions

- Inter-disciplinary Projects

- Common struggles for non-profits and service-learning

- Retention

- Global Citizenship

- Institutionalization of Service-Learning

- Sustainability

- Student Engagement

- Relationship-building with Community-Based Organizations

- Components of a Service-Learning Course

Workshop proposals should be clear and concise and must include the following:

1) a short session title that accurately reflects your session content,

2) a brief session description (75-100 words) that will be used in the program,

3) a proposal description (500 word maximum) that includes a description of your proposed presentation as well as your expertise in the topic you will present, and the length of time you have been engaged in this area,

4) full contact information for each presenter.

In your proposal description, you should:

1) identify the intended audience;

2) identify the theme and discuss the content that you will address and how they relate to the conference theme, specifically discussing how your program/activity/course/mission/etc. uses service, service-learning and/or civic engagement to address issues or enhance outcomes in higher education;

3) indicate the outcomes participants should expect from your session and examples of how you will facilitate achievement of those outcomes;

4) describe the strategies you will use to engage participants in discussing, analyzing, synthesizing, and applying the information you will share.

Please submit proposals via email to:service-learning-team@matc.edu by January 30th, 2009. You will receive a confirmation upon your submission. A decision will be made and you will be notified by February 6th, 2009.

For additional information or questions, please contact the Milwaukee Area Technical College Service-Learning Team:

Marcia Blackman, Americorps*VISTA

Marianne Griffin, Americorps*VISTA



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1st Summit on Incorporating Social Justice and Service-Learning into the STEM Curriculum Call for Papers

Pennsylvania Campus Compact and New York Campus Compact, with support from Learn & Serve America and Ithaca College, are collaborating to support faculty members in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We invite STEM faculty members and other interested partners to participate in the event called Developing a Good Heart in STEM: The First Summit on Incorporating Social Justice and Service-Learning into the STEM Curriculum. The summit will take place June 11-12, 2009 at Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY).

Announcements and Updates

-Call for Papers! Due February 1, 2009. Please see information below to learn how to present your paper at the summit.

-Information on Ithaca, NY available at: Ithaca, NY and Tompkins County Convention and Visitors Bureau in the Finger Lakes web site.

-Accommodations will be available on the campus of Ithaca College. In addition several hotels are located near campus.

-Further information about the summit will be posted as the event approaches. Bookmark this page and check back soon!

Call for Papers DUE FEBRUARY 1, 2009

(Click here for PDF Version of Call for Papers)

For some time, service learning and social justice issues have been staples of the humanities and social science curriculum. The same can not be said of most Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curricula. This summit, which will be held June 11th - 12th at Ithaca College, Ithaca NY, aims to gather faculty from STEM fields to discuss social justice issues and service-learning projects in these disciplines in order to learn from one another through the sharing of course modules, syllabi, best practices via presentations, workshops and networking opportunities. By building on the quality of existing faculty work, the summit will serve to expand the network of faculty in the STEM fields who integrate social justice issues and service-learning projects into their work.

We invite participants to submit abstracts for short presentations which demonstrate how service-learning projects are promoted and/or how social justice issues are incorporated into a STEM classroom. Topics may include, but are not limited to, theoretical assumptions, community-based research projects, model service-learning programs or curriculum, and/or pedagogical strategies. Abstracts should include the paper title, name and institution of each author, and text of up to 400 words describing the content of the presentation. Please submit abstracts electronically to Lisa Marano at lmarano@wcupa.edu. Include STEM Summit in the subject line of the e-mail.

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission: February 1, 2009.

Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2009.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Conference on the Intersection of Arts and Activism Call for Presentations

Submission Deadline: January 28th, 2009

On April 3-5 the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University and Massachusetts Campus Compact will be co-sponsoring Convergence: The Intersection of Arts and Activism. This three-day student-coordinated conference aims to spark students involvement and interest in the rapidly growing field of arts and activism by bringing together students, faculty, administrators and working artists to discuss to discuss and collaborate through a myriad of medium. Information and Guidelines for Submitting a Proposal can be found at

Friday, December 5, 2008

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's "Faculty for the Engaged Campus" project

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's "Faculty for the Engaged Campus" project (http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/faculty-engaged.html)
invites you to become involved in this important work.

The project aims to strengthen community-engaged career paths in the academy and is supported by a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education in the US Department of Education. One aspect of the project is to facilitate the peer review and dissemination of products of community-engaged scholarship (CES) that are not in the form of manuscripts appropriate for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Such products might take the form of curricula, training videos, policy reports, resource guides, PowerPoint presentations, websites, films, etc. We currently lack a systematic and rigorous way to review and disseminate such products. As a result, their impact and the potential for them to be recognized as scholarly work in the faculty promotion and tenure system is compromised.

A Faculty for the Engaged Campus working group composed of academics and community members has designed "CES4Health.info". CES4Health will be an online mechanism for the peer review and dissemination of scholarly products resulting from health-related (broadly defined) service-learning, community-based
participatory research and other community-academic partnership work. We are
now inviting our inaugural set of authors. If you have created a non-traditional scholarly product of community-engaged scholarship, I invite you to submit it for peer review and dissemination through CES4Health.

If you are interested in submitting a product or learning more about the application process, peer review criteria or evaluation plan for this inaugural phase, please email Faculty for the Engaged Campus Co-Director Cathy Jordan at cyfcdir@umn.edu.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning -- DEADLINE: Dec 20

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) invites article abstracts of up to one-page related to higher education academic service-learning, campus-community partnerships, and faculty engaged scholarship.

Abstracts are due December 20, 2008 to Jeffrey Howard, editor, at jphoward@umich.edu or by fax (734) 647-7464.

In mid-January we will invite articles fitting within the above content purview of the MJCSL and appearing to break new ground. Articles are due Monday, March 30th, and will be forwarded for peer review. Authors will be informed of decisions in July/August. The MJCSL has an acceptance rate of 15-20%.

The Michigan Journal welcomes articles from all academic disciplines and professions as well as from all countries.

For more information about the Michigan Journal, see the webpage at www.umich.edu/~mjcsl/. Also, visit our new website at http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mjcsl/ to view and download all past articles.

The latest issue -- volume 15 number 1 -- can be ordered at www.umich.edu/~mjcsl/. It will be embargoed for four months before being available in March at http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mjcsl/.

Questions may be directed to the editor, Jeffrey Howard.

7th PASCAL Observatory International Conference

This conference will bring together academic researchers, teachers and administrators as well as practitioners, professionals, policy analysts and makers in order to explore and showcase research and practice of what in North America is called 'Service to the Community'. Although newly discovered by some universities, service to the community has a long tradition in others and, in many cases, is recognized as an explicit mandate in the university charter. Service is understood to be the third mission of universities, alongside Teaching and Research. Service and community engagement takes many different forms. Examples are community-based research and learning, assistance in regional development, continuing and community education, technology transfer, and other forms of knowledge sharing and cooperation.

The conference will discuss all forms of service to the community. Presentations are invited, especially on one of the three sub themes:
  • Universities and Regional Regeneration and Development
  • Higher Education and Sustainable Development
  • Universities and Major Local and Regional Events (for example the Olympics, the Soccer World Cup, or the World Exposition)

Under the first theme, studies that will be of particular interest are those that focus on the impact of collaboration by, and active linkages between universities and regions, and the local and regional developments that have resulted from this collaboration.

For the second theme, papers and other presentations are invited to address the topic of sustainable local and regional development in all its forms and the role universities and community colleges play in it. The third theme addresses forms of collaboration between higher education and the various actors, especially cities and regions, who are involved in organizing and staging these mega events in a way that these events leave a positive legacy that benefits the population of their respective city or region. This theme is particularly topical as Vancouver and Whistler will host the Olympic Winter Games in February 2010.

Proposals (between 400 and 800 words) are invited until January 31, 2009 to the following address: chet.educ@ubc.ca.

For more information, visit http://www.obs-pascal.com/node/810

IMPACT conference call for workshop proposals

Deadline: Friday, January 23, 2009.

The IMPACT Conference brings college students, nonprofit professionals, campus administrators, and year of service members together to share experiences, stories, and resources in their work for social change. Attendees gather across philosophies, ideologies, issues, geography, and approaches to social change in what is historically the largest such national gathering.

Workshops are pivotal to the conference, and we are excited that you are interested in presenting at this year's conference. Please complete the below form and submit your workshop proposal for review by Friday, January 23, 2009 at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. Proposals will be evaluated and you will be notified of its status by January 30, 2009.


When submitting a workshop proposal, please ensure that you have followed these criteria. The Workshop Team will review your proposal based on the information provided, not on personal experience or knowledge. All workshops will be evaluated using the below criteria:

- Workshops are geared towards the needs of IMPACT conference attendees, which include students, campus administrators, and nonprofit professionals.

- Workshops are engaging for attendees and the presenters involve the audience through participatory activities.

- Workshops are understandable and clear to the intended audience.

- Workshops have a specific take away. The take away should be a skill or knowledge that can be applied in workshop participants' communities. One way this can be done through the production of a handout for attendees.

- Workshops include a network opportunity. Networking is an important part of the IMPACT Conference. Workshops are an ideal place for people with shared interest to meet.

- Workshop presenters register for IMPACT by February 6, 2009 for workshop presenter's registration rate.

For more information on the 2009 IMPACT Conference and how to propose a workshop, visit http://www.impactconference.org/workshops.