Monday, November 22, 2010

Call for workshop proposals: IMPACT National Conference on Service, Advocacy and Social Action

The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest annual conference in the nation focused on engaging college students in service, advocacy and social action.   This event continues and builds on the legacy of the COOL (Campus Outreach Opportunity League) National Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, spanning an incredible 26-year history.

Campus administrators, faculty, students, and those affiliated with non-profits are invited to submit proposals to present a workshop at the 2011 national conference.

Proposal submission deadlines:
  • First Round of Workshop Proposals due: December 10, 2010 Notification by December 20, 2010 Submit early for advance travel planning!
  • Final Round of Workshop Proposals due: January 21, 2011 Notification by February 1, 2011

Visit to submit your proposal today!
We are looking for a variety of different workshops for IMPACT 2011 on topics such as:
  • IMPACT from the Classroom: how to transform your learning experiences with best practices from the field of service learning, research, and students taking initiative to combine their service and academics,
  • Building your Leadership Tool Kit: how to take your engagement to the next level with practical how-to’s and “who’s done its” from the national network. Whether it’s recruitment, how to motivate, communicate, or build your organizational success,
  • Issue Me Change: understanding the issues (whether they be hunger, environmental justice, homelessness, health or something else),
  • Make Way for the Advocate: Figuring out how to take the step from service leader to community activist and delve deeper to better advocate for change. 
  • Career Building:  How to build a career out of fighting for social justice in today’s economic times with practical advice from the change agents of today, and
  • Refining your leadership or administrator skills through our brand new IMPACT Leadership Academy, and the IMPACT Administrator’s Institute.

Tennessee Conference on Volunteerism and Service-Learning

The Tennessee Conference on Volunteerism and Service-Learning invites volunteers, volunteer professionals, students and service-learning practitioners to submit proposals for workshops and showcase exhibits. To download the Call for Proposals, click here.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service: Request for Proposals

Deadline for proposals: midnight EST on November 29, 2010.

The 2011 National Conference on Volunteering and Service will take place in New Orleans, LA, on June 6-8.

NCVS is the largest gathering in the country of individuals solving community challenges through volunteering and service. Convened by the Corporation for National and Community Service and Points of Light Institute with support from the New Orleans Host Committee, the conference highlights leading innovators and dynamic strategies and creative ideas that drive change. For the many people devoted to redefining citizenship and volunteering for the 21st century through volunteering and service, this annual event is the place to be.

The conference program team is now accepting proposals for workshops, immersion learning sessions and mini-presentations that support this year’s tracks: Demonstrating Results, Strengthening Community, and Achieving Impact.
  • Impact – Service is about individual, institutional and community transformation. Sessions in this category will focus on proven, specific and sustainable service and volunteer solutions to the economic, environmental, health, disaster management, veterans and educational issues faced by our communities
  • Strengthen– Innovation, collaboration, passion and results fuel and strengthen the service and volunteer movement. Session in this category will focus on proven methods and emerging trends for managing, strengthening and sustaining volunteering and service programs to meet ever-changing economic, social economic, social and volunteer realities.
  • Community - Individuals are the driving force behind service and a strong community. Sessions in this category will feature ways to recognize and harness the specific skills and the diversity of individuals and groups that are primed for volunteering, leadership and service.
For complete instructions and to submit your proposal, visit