Friday, February 27, 2009

IARSLCE 2009 Call for Proposals - 1 WEEK REMAINING - Deadline March 6, 2009

There is just one week remaining before the deadline to submit session proposals for the Ninth International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. The University of Ottawa and the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement look forward to welcoming you to the conference October 9-12, 2009, at the Westin Ottawa hotel in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The theme of the conference is Research for What? Making Inquiry Matter. This conference will address the goals underlying the research on service-learning and community engagement, the most effective means of achieving them, and the implications of such goals for a wide range of constituencies.

The Call for Proposals and additional conference information are available on the website: All proposals must be received via electronic submission by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) Friday, March 6, 2009. If you have any questions, please contact the conference staff at

Did you know Ottawa is Canada’s fourth largest city with over 877,300 residents? While it is large enough to support the finest amenities, such as world-class entertainment venues and shopping districts, Ottawa retains the warmth and charm of a quaint European city!

See you in Ottawa!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Call for Proposals/Presentations--Humanity at the Crossroads: Challenges to Sustainable Community Development

The McMaster Symposium / Collegiate Global Summit at Defiance College is a forum for students, faculty, and other campus leaders to address critical global issues. This year’s focus is sustainable development. Sustainable communities are those in which current and future economic, environmental, cultural, and sociopolitical needs are in balance. We invite theoretical and research presentations on any aspect of sustainable development, with a special emphasis on faculty/student projects that have benefited a community partner. The Symposium|Global Summit takes place at Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio, April 2 – 4.

Potential avenues to address the theme could include, but are not limited to:
• How communities can meet the challenges of sustainable development
• How individuals can build sustainable communities
• How communities or individuals balance cultural practices in sustainable ways
• How communities or individuals manage economic and / or environmental resources to assure sustainable development

To submit a proposal, go to Proposals are due March 5.

The 15th annual Coaltition for Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) conference Call for Proposals

The 15th annual Coaltition for Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) conference, hosted by Widener University from October 11-13, 2009 will focus on "Building community resiliency: The role of university leadership."

The term "distressed" is frequently used in describing the urban environments in which many metropolitan universities are situated. This conference will explore how universities can promote a strengths-based approach to partnering with their communities to nurture community resiliency. Defined by Rolfe as the capacity "to respond effectively to significant adversity and risk," community resiliency depends on social capital, as well as the interactions and engagement among community members to achieve common goals. This conference will provide a forum for faculty, students and administrators to share ideas, experiences and recommendations about the leadership role that metropolitan universities can assume in promoting community resiliency.

Please join us for this stimulating meeting that will include plenary sessions, paper presentations, special topic panels, roundtables, poster sessions and student presentations.

Suggested Topics

• Strengths-based approaches

• Educational infrastructure

• Environmental threats and remediation

• Wellness and public health

• Social capital

• Economic/business development

• Impact assessment

Proposal Submission Guidelines

Individuals may submit proposals for paper presentations, panel discussions, or poster displays. Consistent with the conference theme, the content should relate to institutional commitments by urban and metropolitan universities to drive progress in their regional communities. Complete information about proposal submissions can be viewed at:

Proposals must be submitted electronically at

Submission deadline: April 17, 2009

Selection and Notification

The committee will evaluate your proposal for content, appropriateness, and interest. Notification will be sent by June 1, 2009. Conference presenters will be invited to submit papers to the editor of Metropolitan Universities journal for possible publication in a future journal issue.

The Language of Service and Community Syposium Call for Papers

The Language of Service and Community symposium will provide an opportunity to learn from colleagues from across the state about ways to enhance foreign language instruction through service-learning and community engagement pedagogy.

Call for Participation and Programs:
We invite participants to share ideas and practices through engaging presentations of innovative projects, pedagogies, and research in service-learning and community engagement pedagogy. We encourage presentations (not the reading of papers) showcasing original and engaging practices in one of several topic areas:

1. Service-learning pedagogy in foreign language and/or ESL instruction
2. Best practices with S-L pedagogy in study abroad and international experiences 3. Community engagement and community-based research projects in foreign language instruction
4. Research on the effectiveness of S-L pedagogy in language acquisition

Please send a brief RFP to by Monday, March 9, 2009. Presenters will be notified by March 16, 2009 by e-mail.

1) Title, abstract (100-150 words), summary of presentation topic, and names/institution of presenter(s). Note: this will be used in the Symposium Program.

See for more information.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Apply for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation's Youth Advisory Board

Apply for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Youth Advisory Board for the 2009-2010 school year.

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is looking for young people from all across the country to serve. We’re looking for tweens and teens with unique experiences and opinions to shape the programs of our Kids’ Movement and generate fresh ideas on how to make healthy living the norm, not the exception.

Applicants must be between the ages of 8-17 years old when membership begins July 16, 2009 and live in the United States, including US Territories. To learn more and apply, visit Deadline to apply: March 31, 2009.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Foundation for Long Term Care Seeking Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education

The Foundation for Long Term Care (FLTC), an award-winning leader in service learning in elder care and intergenerational service learning, seeks college partners to include in its application to the Learn and Serve America Higher Education division of the Federal Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Each college must propose a service learning project involving partnership of:(1) gerontology or a related discipline (such as, but not limited to, sociology, psychology or nursing ) and (2) technology, business, accounting, engineering, or other discipline appropriate to the project proposed. The RFP to be included in the application as part of the FLTC proposal is under development. To receive a copy as soon as it is ready, please request one from

Monday, February 2, 2009

CCNCCE 18th Annual Conference Call for Proposals

The Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE) invites you to submit a proposal to present at its 18th annual conference, May 20-22, 2009. The deadline for submitting proposals is March 9th, 2009.

Instructions for Submitting Proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for the general workshop sessions during the Center's 18th Annual Conference. Conference presentations are 1-hour or 90-minute sessions, which should be designed to be highly interactive. Proposals to present at the conference must be submitted in electronic form. In keeping with our theme, some of the issues you may wish to address in your workshop are:

  • Developing effective partnerships in service learning and civic engagement

  • Leveraging your program's resources through creative partnerships in service learning and civic engagement

  • Opportunities for partnerships with non-profit organizations during the economic downturn

  • Strategies for retaining students through service learning and civic engagement

  • The role of service learning partners in helping students stay in school

  • Incorporating service learning and civic engagement into the curriculum

  • Effective evaluation and assessment of service learning programs

  • Research in service learning and civic engagement

  • Showcase your innovative service learning program or project
To submit a proposal for the 18th Annual Conference, click HERE or on the "Submit Proposal" tab at the top of this page and submit your proposal online.

Deadline for Submission: March 9, 2009
Notification by: March 20, 2009

In addition to conducting a workshop presentation during the conference, presenters are responsible for submitting a 3-5-page conference paper, which describes the conference session, no later than April 7, 2009. Conference papers are posted to the CCNCCE website and also may be available through the ERIC Clearinghouse for Community Colleges. For a sample of conference papers, please review previous conference proceedings. Presenters should forward one copy of the original in both hard copy and electronic format (PC compatible).

For more information, see