Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Social Enterprise Pitch

GH/Innovate 2010 ( include special sessions where selected participants will present their new idea in the format of a 5-minute social enterprise pitch. Following the pitch, there is a 5-minute period for questions and answers, as well as feedback from the audience. This will provide participants with an opportunity to formulate and present their idea, collaborate with others interested in their idea, and receive feedback and ideas from other conference participants.

The social enterprise should be program-focused and can be targeted for any country or countries worldwide. Categories include: Global Health, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, International Development, International Education, and NGOs and Community-Based Programs.

Submit your social enterprise on the Conference Registration Page:

Special Issue call for papers for the journal Education and Training

Outlines must be submitted by 30th October 2009.

This call for papers concerns a special issue of Education and Training focused on a critical assessment of all aspects of the developing field of student-community engagement with particular attention to student learning from community engagement. We seek contributions from both academics involved in research within this field and practitioners involved in the development, design, management and delivery of courses or modules concerned with student learning from community engagement. Submissions that report new and innovative practice within student-community engagement will be particularly welcome although no restriction is placed on what we mean by innovation in this context. We wish to encourage submissions from contributors who believe that what they are doing, or have done, is novel and different and/or who are actively involved in researching the contributions of such practice. As appropriate to the nature of the paper, contributions should demonstrate a critical approach to practice and sound a conceptual or evidence base.

We invite anyone interested in contributing to this Special Issue to contact the editors with a statement of intent. This should be a short outline (100-200 words) indicating what the paper is about (including a working title), the nature of the paper (research paper, case study, critical account of practice, development of theory etc) and how it will contribute to our understanding of student learning from community engagement. Please forward this outline (and any queries about the Special Issue) to or

Call for Chapter Proposals: Higher Education, Emerging Technologies, and Community Partnerships

Proposal Submission Deadline: December 30, 2009
Full Chapter Submission Deadline: February 28, 2010

A book edited by Melody Bowdon, PhD (Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Central Florida) and Russell Carpenter, PhD (Director, Noel Studio for Academic Creativity, Eastern Kentucky University)
To be published by IGI Global
For more on the publisher and to review the full call online, go to:

Seeking manuscripts that document and assess partnerships between institutions of higher education and K‐12 schools, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and corporations that have been made successful (or even unsuccessful in interesting ways) in part through the use of emerging and evolving digital technologies. Topics or sites might include service-learning; internships; volunteer programs; cooperative education; distance‐learning; continuing education; professional schools such as law, medicine, education, and nursing; community development programs including alumni relations and fundraising; and/or sponsored research. Technologies might include social networking, webconferencing, mobile devices, virtual environments such as SecondLife, course management systems, and/or Web 2.0 applications.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

SCALE’s Second Virtual Read. Write. Act. Conference

Due October 12, 2009

SCALE will hold its 2nd Annual Virtual Conference on November 4-6, 2009, featuring web-based presentations on a variety of topics relevant to literacy leaders, researchers, and students. We invite you to submit your proposals for workshops!

If your workshop is selected, SCALE staff will work with you to transform PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and activities into Adobe Connect online presentations. Presentations will last for 50 minutes and should be focused on the topic areas mentioned below. Presentations will be reviewed as they are received and selected presenters will be notified on or before October 12, 2009. We suggest co-presenting and encourage faculty/student teams and collaborations with community partners.

Visit to submit your proposal.

If you have questions, please contact Megan McCurley at or 919-843-4494.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Conference

Proposals Due Oct 16

With its focus on Creating the Future We Want to Be, the conference seeks to empower individuals and partnerships to create a just and sustainable future, so that we need not be passive participants in the status quo or mere witnesses to the change determined by others. With its focus on Transformation through Partnerships, the conference seeks to highlight the power of partnerships to lead and inspire transformation at all levels.

For more information:

21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference Call for Proposals

All workshop proposals must be received no later than midnight CST, September 25, 2009.

NYLC is seeking proposals that help inspire peace and social justice, imagine solutions to environmental issues (particularly water quality), and offer innovations relevant across the world's stage. We are especially interested in proposals that illuminate one or more of the eight K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice.

NYLC is always interested in proposals addressing youth involvement and leadership, intergenerational connections, and diversity. We strongly encourage proposals from young people active in service-learning.

For more information: