Call for Papers: Advances in Service-Learning Volume 10
Submissions due December 31, 2009
Presenters at the IARSLCE 2009 conference are eligible to submit a paper for inclusion in the peer-reviewedconference publication, Volume Ten of the Advances in Service-Learning Research series. Submissions are due on December 31, 2009. Written submissions for the edited volume may be based upon any presentation delivered at the Ninth Annual Conference of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, held October 9-12, 2009, in Ottawa. This includes all presentation formats, including emerging scholars, poster presentations, papers, and plenary sessions. IARSLCE requests manuscripts with clear theoretical perspectives and methodological sophistication. A panel of experts will review the manuscripts and advise the editors on the manuscripts to be included in the volume.
Volume Ten of Advances in Service-Learning Research will provide a vehicle for dissemination to the field of creative, cutting-edge research on all aspects of service-learning and community engagement. IARSLCE also requests conceptual papers on theoretical foundations and chapters featuring new methodological approaches in the study of service-learning, community partnerships, and other engagement initiatives.
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