Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PEOPLE, PLACE, & PARTNERS: Building and Sustaining Engagement in Critical Times

Deadline for proposal submission is October 19, 2009.

Proposals are now being accepted for the 2010 Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Through Higher Education March 3-5, 2010.

As the first decade of the 21st century comes to a close, pressing social and economic challenges have brought renewed attention to the importance of volunteerism and service in civic life. In these critical times, a national call for service is engaging citizens of all ages in creating innovative solutions for recovery. This dialogue brings new focus on the potential of service-learning and civic engagement to address local and global problems and to engage students, faculty, and community partners in civic renewal. Along with the growing needs in our communities, colleges and universities are also facing the challenge of building and sustaining engagement initiatives with limited resources. This conflict between crisis and opportunity raises many questions: As engagement comes of age, what role will people, place, and partners play in creating models for service-learning and civic engagement? How will we maintain quality as demand for service opportunities increases and resources tighten? How will place be understood as students and faculty engage in service-learning in both local and global contexts?

Please see the website www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/conferences/gulf_south/ for more details.

Monday, August 10, 2009

21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference

All proposals must be submitted online by midnight CST on September 25, 2009.

You are invited to join thousands at the premiere event for young leaders and innovative educators, The 21st Annual National Service-Learning Conference — Inspire. Imagine. Innovate! Held March 24-27, 2010 in San Jose, Calif., this event celebrates service-learning as a force that spans cultural and national boundaries, building communities, and strengthening young people.

Through three days of general sessions, featured forums, service-learning projects, and networking, the conference engages participants in local, national and global issues that service-learning addresses. The 2010 conference will feature speeches by Sir Ken Robinson, an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources, and Carol Bellamy, President and CEO of World Learning and former executive director of UNICEF, the children's agency of the United Nations. Come explore more than 100 exhibits, and nearly 150 hands-on workshops and service-learning projects.

We also hope that you will consider sharing information about your programs at the conference. Workshop proposals are currently being accepted. Come present to the largest gathering of youths and practitioners from the service-learning field including educators in K-12 and higher education, youth leaders, trainers, policy-makers, grantees, researchers, funders and many others. Young people are strongly encouraged to submit proposals.

» online call for presenters

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Western New York Service Learning Coalition & Medaille College: 2nd Annual WNYSLC conference

Applications will be accepted until August 7th!

The Western New York Service Learning Coalition & Medaille College presents the 2nd Annual WNYSLC conference

“Partnering for Success: The Keys to Effective Service-Learning”
October 23-24, 2009
Medaille College
Buffalo, NY

Proposals for panel and team presentations, workshops and poster presentations are being accepted through July 31, 2009. Share your successful service-learning partnership tips and experiences with faculty, staff and community partners. Download a presentation form at www.wnyslc.org

Learn more about the conference and the Western New York Service Learning Coalition at www.wnyslc.org

2010 BOOST Conference: Request for Proposals

The deadline to submit is September 25, 2009.

April 28 - May 1, 2010 at the Palm Springs Convention Center- Palm Springs, California

Join one of the nation’s largest, most recognized and comprehensive conferences for after school and out-of-school time professionals. Set in a retreat-like atmosphere, this extraordinary event will rejuvenate your passion and boost your direction for quality programming. We invite you to experience the most invigorating blend of networking and teambuilding opportunities, exceptional workshop presenters to learn and grow with and the latest trends and research in out-of-school time programming. Connect with over 125 Exhibitors sharing the newest resources, products and services to enhance your programs. Have an opportunity to experience guest speakers, special events, and entertainment that will inspire you to create change. Meals and plenty of sunshine also included.

April 28-May 1, 2010 (pre-conference workshops & events on April 28th)

Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, California

The BOOST Conference includes the most notable professionals in the out-of-school time and after school field, the latest research and trends, and cutting edge topics and information to assist the field in increasing the quality of programming offered. We offer
a wide variety of relevant workshops and topics for elementary, middle and high school programs including, but not limited to, the following content areas:

• 21st CCLC Programming
• After School Education & Safety (ASES)
• Advocacy and Public Policy
• Academic Alignment/Curriculum Implementation
• Assessment/Evaluation
• Behavior Guidance
• Bullying
• Classroom Management
• Character Education
• Community Collaborations/Partnerships
• Community Schools
• Diversity, Equity, Cultural Competency
• Educational Enrichment (art, music, etc)
• Family Support Services
• Grant Writing/Funding
• Group Facilitation
• Hands-on Activities
• Healthy Behaviors
• Healthy Start
• High School Programming
• Inclusion/Special Needs
• Juvenile Diversion
• Leadership
• Marketing Your Program
• Middle School Programming
• Middle School to High School Transition
• Nutrition
• Partnerships
• Physical Activity
• Prevention (Alcohol, Tobacco, other drugs)
• Prevention (Gang & Violence)
• Program Design & Management
• Quality and Improvement
• Safety (Physical and Emotional)
• Service Learning
• Staff Recruitment and Retention
• Staff Coaching & Supervision
• Sustainability and Fundraising
• Technology/Digital Media
• Workforce Development
• Youth Development

Presenter Benefits:
The main presenter will receive complimentary 3-day conference registration (April 29-May 1, 2010) including all special events. Complimentary registration is only for the main presenter and/or agency only. Co-presenters, panel members, and additional agency members will need to register for the conference.

Application Procedure:
Please submit completed proposals via our online system by September 25, 2009. We are unable to accept any proposals submitted after 5pm PST on this date.

Selection Criteria:
Please note that the review committee receives many more proposals than we can accept. It will greatly increase the likelihood of your workshop being accepted if the following objectives are met:

* Provide complete information in the requested format as well as providing clear objectives and organization.
* Workshops are professional development opportunities and we give first priority to workshop presenters who are not selling a product or service.
* Our goal is to serve the field through quality workshops that are the on the forefront of after school and out-of-school time trends, research, and pertinent to all levels of stakeholders. We are seeking thought-provoking, innovative approaches relevant to the field.
* We are seeking workshops sessions that attract, engage and stimulate both new and experienced participants and a diverse audience.
* Workshops should include an opportunity for participation and networking.

You will receive notification of acceptance or denial by October 31, 2009.

Click here to find out more.