Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education: Call for Papers
Deadline: February 1, 2011
The Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education journal provides a forum for scholars to share examples of academic service-learning projects that demonstrate a high level of engagement and reciprocity with the community at the same time as they demonstrate scholarly inquiry. This cross-disciplinary journal welcomes diverse manuscripts, from empirically-based examinations to critical reflection pieces, theoretical investigations, commentaries, case studies, and pedagogical and research designs. Regardless of methodology, submissions should describe the outcomes of the project on both academic (institution, faculty, student and/or discipline) and community stakeholders. All submissions should also address implications for promoting public scholarship as a rigorous form of scholarly work.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education should be no more than 5,000 words, not including abstract, references, or appendices. Manuscripts should conform to the standards set forth in the current (6th) edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
For more information, including submission instructions: