Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2010 IARSLCE Early Career Network Panel Call for Proposals

Deadline: May 7, 2010

The Early Career Network (ECN) will sponsor a panel session at the October 2010 IARSLCE Conference in Indianapolis. Based on requests from ECN members, this year's panel will focus on writing competitive grant applications (e.g., NSF, Learn & Serve).

We are interested in having around four panelists speak of their grant writing successes, failures, lessons learned, tips, tricks, partnerships, funding sources, research connected to the grant, etc. This would provide an opportunity for grantees to highlight their individual programs too. The focus, however, should be on supporting early career researchers who seek information about how to secure their own competitive grants. Each panelist would have approximately 10-15 minutes to present. The session will conclude with a Q&A period.

If you would be willing to sit on this panel, please send the following information to Trae Stewart at by May 7, 2010. A balanced panel will be composed based on submitted proposals. Panelists will be contacted by June 1, 2010.

• Name of Presenter
• Institution
• Email
• Grant Name or Focus
• Grant Funding Source
• Topics to be Highlights in Presentation

For more information:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Repair the World Index Request for Proposals

Deadline: April 30, 2010

Repair the World is a new national nonprofit organization that was founded in 2009 to inspire and build a movement that makes service a defining element of American Jewish life, learning, and leadership.

Repair the World is commissioning a piece of research (currently referred to as the "Repair the World Index") in 2010 to better understand the service-related attitudes and behaviors of American Jews aged approximately 18-30. The idea is to get information that will be helpful for Jewish institutions -- including Jewish service learning program providers -- about the service-related interests and behaviors of this age cohort, and to establish a baseline for measuring change over time.

We will engage a two-step process for this RFP -- first inviting a 2-3 page "concept paper" outlining the general approach you might take to the project; and then inviting a more formal proposal from a select group of respondents. Our goal is to have a vendor selected for this project no later than May 31, 2010, with a plan to commence the research by June 30, 2010. We seek to conclude the project no later than the end of 2010.

We ask that by April 9th you indicate if you have interest in this project and intend to submit a 2-3 page concept paper.

Should you choose to submit a concept paper we ask that you include your responses to the following questions:
1. How will you define, set parameters for, etc. the terms "service," "social justice," and "social change?"
2. How will you approach the sampling frame for this study?
3. How will you incorporate prior/other measures toward ensuring some comparability?
4. How will you define and what constructs will you use for inquiry into "Jewish identity" and "Jewish values?"

The concept paper is due on or before April 30, 2010.
For more information:
Dr. Wendy Rosov, at

Thursday, April 1, 2010

2010 Search Institute Conference Request for Proposals

Deadline: April 23, 2010

The new Search Institute conference, now called the Big Tent Conference, will take place on November 18-20, 2010, in Houston. The vision is to bring not only the committed Healthy Communities • Healthy Youth and Developmental Assets Champions to the gathering, but also to expand both the audience and approaches. This first annual gathering of national leaders, practitioners, and movements brings together all those who are invested in promoting the health and success of our nation’s children and youth.

The learning session RFP is now available. All sessions will be 90 minutes long. We encourage intergenerational leadership in learning sessions, and we prefer a combination of youth and adult presenters.

Proposals may be submitted electronically, by mail, or by fax to Jan DeWall, Conference Manager, Search Institute, 615 1st Avenue NE Suite 125, Minneapolis, MN 55413, fax:(612) 692-5553.

For the complete call for proposals, visit: