Friday, April 24, 2009

Call for Proposals: Fostering Global Citizenship in Higher Education

Call for Proposals -- Due June 5, 2009

We are seeking proposals for the 3rdAnnual Fostering Global Citizenship in Higher Education Conference to be held October 5-6, 2009 in Brattleboro, Vermont.

The conference planning committee seeks proposals for conference workshops to be presented on Monday, October 5th that are interactive and geared toward varying levels of expertise from novice to intermediate to advanced. Workshops should provide participants an opportunity to engage with each other in learning about the session topic and applying it to their unique situations. Workshops will be 75 minutes long and may be presented by individuals or teams.
Workshop topics should relate to fostering global citizenship in higher education and may include but need not be limited to the following topics:
  • Program models for promoting global citizenship, both local or global;
  • Promoting global citizenship in challenging economic times;
  • Campus or institutional strategies for fostering global citizenship;
  • Defining and exploring global citizenship concepts.
The proposal should be clear and concise and must include the following:
1) a session title that accurately reflects your session content,
2) a brief session description to be used in the program (75-100 words),
3) a longer workshop proposal (500 word maximum) that describes your presentation in more depth,
4) details on your expertise in this subject area, such as how long you have been engaged in this work, whether you have presented on this topic previously – if so, when and where – etc.
5) a brief presenter bio for each presenter. These bios will be used in the program.
6) full contact information for each presenter,
7) AV needs for your presentation.

In your proposal description, you should:
1) indicate the level of experience for which your workshop is most appropriate,
2) identify the intended audience,
3) identify the theme of your presentation, discuss the content that you will address and indicate how they relate to the conference theme,
4) indicate the outcomes participants should expect from your session and examples of how you will facilitate achievement of those outcomes,
5) describe the strategies you will use to engage participants in discussing, analyzing, synthesizing, and applying the information you will share.

Please submit workshop proposals via email by Friday, June 5, 2009 to: Confirmation emails will be sent upon receipt of proposals; potential presenters will be informed of decisions via email by July 15. Conference presenters will be expected to register for the conference but registration fees for up to two presenters per workshop will be waived for the conference (October 5); the waived registration fees do not apply to the post-conference institutes (October 6).

For questions or additional information, please contact:
Cheryl Whitney Lower, Vermont Campus Compact,, (802) 443-2507 or Marianne Jorgensen, World Learning/SIT Abroad,, (802) 258-3235.

ASCD Annual Conference Presenter Proposals

The Annual Conference of ASCD, an international education association, will be held in San Antonio, Texas, March 6-8, 2010. SELNET, the Service-Learning Network of ASCD, is calling on all service-learning practitioners, researchers, and advocates to submit proposals for presentations. You may submit proposals for concurrent sessions or research sessions. Session length options are 1 hour, 1-1/2 hours, or 2 hours. Proposals should address current research, curriculum, and/or leadership development in preK-16 education. Proposals in Teacher Education are encouraged. You will find complete information about submitting a proposal at the link below. If you hesitate to submit because the process appears complicated or because you haven’t submitted a proposal before, email Elizabeth for assistance with proposal development and submission. For example, it may be important to submit a proposal that allows enough breadth to focus your presentation on new experiences and learning between now and next March. Once again, email us with any questions you have or any assistance that you need. Generally, proposal submission takes less than an hour from concept to completion. If you are not an individual member of ASCD, check your institution to determine if there is an institutional membership. You may be able to get discounts for registration when the time comes. All submitted presenters must register for the conference.

Proposals are DUE MAY 1 and must be submitted on-line. The link below will guide you to all information necessary for submitting your proposal. Each proposal must have a main facilitator (who will be the contact for the conference committee) and may have up to three additional facilitators listed in the program. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL as the NETWORK FORUM unless you contact Elizabeth first. Please email Elizabeth when you submit a proposal so we can track all service-learning submissions. We look forward to hearing from you and to having great representation from the field at the 2010 Annual ASCD Conference in San Antonio.

Elizabeth Manning and Larry Fletch, Co-Directors
SELNET (Service-Learning Network)

ASCD Annual Conference Link:

Seeking grant reviewers for Social Media initiative

The Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education is looking for Grant Reviewers for a special initiative sponsored by the Corporation.

This special Social Media initiative, supported by a $450,000 grant from Learn and Serve America over three years, encourages college students to use social media tools such as Ning, Facebook, WordPress, Flickr, YouTube, Myspace, and Twitter to support service-learning projects in their communities. Students take a conventional service or service-learning project and enhance it by using existing technology and free social media to:

Reflect on what they've learned

We've designed a subgrant process and have released an RFP (which can be found at that focuses on engaging college students in service-learning using social media to recruit, collaborate, reflect and report on service-learning projects. Successful applicants will address how their proposed work will meet the goals. A project might involve a religious studies class using LibraryThing to create an online catalog of a church library, or a chemistry class doing lead paint abatement in older homes and recruiting painting helpers through Facebook, or a student business organization working with a nonprofit through a wiki to develop a business plan.

We need volunteers to review approximately three grants each, that are about 3-6 pages, between the dates of May 22, 2009 - June 5, 2009. An informational conference call will be provided on May 28, 2009. For more information about this initiative go to our website:

If interested, please contact Deborah Eisloeffel, Interim Executive Director, at:

Phone: 402-472-9638
Fax: 402-472-8140

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Request for Proposals - Urban Institute

The National Urban Service Learning Institute
August 5-7
Philadelphia, PA

The Institute for Global Education and Service Learning has funds available that will provide training grants to local education agencies
interested in bringing a team of students to the National Urban Service Learning Institute.

*Email for application information. Applications should be submitted no later than April 24, 2009*

Youth Leadership Track—Engaging and empowering youth means more than having them make posters and plan dances. This special “Youth to Youth” (Y2Y) strand of the National Urban Service Learning Institute will engage youth in personal leadership development, as well as provide opportunities for youth to take their service-learning initiatives to a new level. Teams of youth will have the opportunity to develop the skills and gain the resources necessary to train other youth and adults in high quality service-learning and evaluate the impact of these initiatives. Schools are encouraged to bring a team of 4-6 youth participants who will be able to take the knowledge and skills learned at this Institute back to their local communities.

Join us for this annual two-day event that focuses on applying K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice in urban environments. Hosted by the National Youth Leadership Council with support from New Foundations Charter School and the Institute for Global Education and Service Learning.
Visit for more information about this event.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Call for Proposals: Conference on Millennials Making a Difference

The Midwest Consortium for Service-Learning in Higher Education invites you to submit a presentation proposal for its Sixth Annual Conference,

Millennials Making a Difference
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
September 23-25, 2009

Please join us and Keynote Speakers:

Mark Milliron, Catalyze Learning International
Shelley Billig, RMC Research Corporation

As we consider these conference themes:
  • Innovative use of Social Media to develop, promote and manage service-learning projects.

  • Academic Service-learning – Best practices of integrating service-learning into curricula, in methods of assessing learning in the experiential context and in strategies of project evaluation.

  • Professional Development – Best practices in research-based, collaboratively planned, ongoing professional development for

    - Faculty and staff
    - Community partners
    - Student leadership

  • Community Partnership Development – Best practices in engaging and sustaining reciprocal, collaborative partnerships focused on addressing community issues.

  • Research

    - Best practices in developing collaborative community based participatory research projects in which students and faculty apply research methods to community identified and guided studies.

    - Best Practices in applying research to the pedagogy of service-learning for continuous improvement.
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2009

Please see our web site for more information and to submit online:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Call For Emerging Scholars in K-12 Service-Learning Research

In an effort to expand the body of research on K-12 service-learning and to enhance its dissemination and use, The University of Minnesota’s International Center for Research on Community Engagement (ICRCE) (, Brandeis University's Center for Youth and Communities (CYC)(, and Tufts University’s Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) ( are inviting applications to participate in the third annual Emerging Scholars in K-12 Service-Learning Works-in-Progress Seminar.

The Seminar is funded through a Catalyst Collective Action grant from the Service-Learning Leaders Circle, using funds generously provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Leaders Circle is administered by the National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development.

This year’s Seminar will be held June 14-16 at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus. It is the third installment of a series of annual Seminars (the first was held in June 2007 at the University of Maryland and the second was held in June 2008 at Brandeis University).

Each year the Seminar convenes a small group of diverse new and experienced K-12 service-learning researchers; researchers from allied fields; and users of research in the policy and practice arenas for 2-3 days of intensive discussions of research being planned and undertaken in the field by the emerging scholars participating in the seminar. The goals of the seminar are to provide support and encouragement for a new generation of service-learning researchers and to promote improved quality and dissemination of service-learning research.

See for more information.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Call for Papers - Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing (JNPSM)

Special issue on Civic Participation and Service Learning

The Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing (JNPSM) is publishing a special issue on civic participation and service learning. Empirical, conceptual, and literature review articles are welcome. In addition, 600 word book reviews are also welcome. We are discouraging case studies.

Service-learning (as defined in Wikipedia) is a method of teaching, learning and reflecting that combines academic classroom curriculum with meaningful service, frequently youth service, throughout the community. Service learning integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for the common good. As business educators search for innovative ways to educate good people instead of good employees, it is an opportune time to examine methodologies and outcomes of service learning components of business curricula.

Civic participation refers to active citizenship in which individuals get involved in their communities by voluntary participation in nonprofit organizations or by civic action into the policy formation process of government. How can marketing tactics be used to encourage greater civic participation of individuals in their communities?

Instructions for authors are online at

The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2009.

Please send submissions as Word attachments to the editor:

Walter W. Wymer, Jr., DBA
Centre for Socially Responsible Marketing, Faculty of Management, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada